Sunday, May 17, 2020

Catching Up Pt 8

  1. Sorceress (1982)
    • Another Wynorksi script, so you know what to expect: gratuitous female nudity. This time it's twin sisters Leigh and Lynette Harris, who play two sisters touched by destiny, who must overthrow an evil wizard who seeks to sacrifice them to his god and thus become immortal (or something). Honestly, this is one of those movies aimed at 12 year old boys, and I felt bad for every boob that got flashed in service to this dreck. 

  2. Night of the Demons (1988)
    • Better than you'd expect. Group of teens spend Halloween in a funeral parlor, except that a seance goes terribly awry and summons legit demons, who proceed to slay the teenagers in typical '80s slasher ways. However, the characters are likable, some of the scares are unique, and I legitimately didn't know how the movie would resolve itself. A cut above the rest. 

  3. Dragonslayer (1981)
    • This movie I remember liking as a kid, but now that I'm older ... I appreciate the special effects, and that's it. Peter MacNicol (perhaps a rather unlikely hero) is tasked with killing an evil dragon. The dragon looks FANTASTIC. Many have commented that it's probably the best looking movie dragon of all time - it moves smoothly, fluidly, convincingly. Easily the high point of the movie. The rest of the movie is ... OK. 

  4. Time Walker (1982)
    • Ugh, trashy. Alien emerges from Egyptian tomb, killing all who have looted it. His goal? Recovering crystals and repairing a time machine that will allow him to return to his home...or something. Honestly, this was straight '80s teen slasher with a very slight variation (killer is an Egyptian alien, or something), with all the tropes and cliches you would expect. Not worth it. 

  5. High Spirits (1988)
    • Fun! Irish castle owned by Peter O'Toole begins to fake ghostly experiences to bring in guests. But there's a catch - there are REAL ghosts, who don't take kindly to the fakery. Darryl Hannah! Liam Neeson! Jennifer Tilly! Steve Guttenberg! Really strong cast, and really fun movie. I enjoyed this one from top to bottom. 

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