Sunday, May 17, 2020

Catching Up Pt 13

  1. Timestalkers (1987, TV movie)
    • Interesting little movie! Klaus Kinski and William Devane in this time traveling movie with lots of Western flair. Unfortunately a TV movie, so ineligible for my list. But worth seeing anyway, if you have any interest in westerns, the way the '80s treated westerns, or Klaus Kinski in general. 

  2. Saturday the 14th (1981)
    • Comedy horror that is mostly successful, where a family moves into a haunted house, and has a bunch of run-ins with monsters that usually end in laughter. It's a light little movie, with a few nice acting turns. 

  3. They Call Me Bruce (1982)
    • Korean man is continually mistaken for Bruce Lee by (racist?) people in his life, ends up involved with mob activity. It's played for laughs, and the main character (Johnny Yune) has a lot of charisma. I enjoyed it more than I expected it. A limited movie, but a nice one. 

  4. Explorers (1985)
    • A favorite of mine from my childhood - Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix, and Jason Presson discover technology that ultimately allows them to explore space. They have many adventures, ultimately ending up on an alien ship. I have to admit: as an adult, I find the aliens incredibly fake and stupid-looking. They turned me off instantly. But I don't remember that reaction as a kid, so maybe this movie just has an expiration date. Either way, it's amazing how good these child actors are. The script is also pretty strong. Worth exploring. 

  5. Baby Sister (1983, TV movie?)
    • Provocative TV movie where younger sister Phoebe Cates plots to steal older sister's boyfriend. For a while, I really couldn't tell where things were going, but then things resolved in a predictable way. Still - not bad for a TV movie. 

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