Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Immortalizer (1989)

Let me be frank. The Immortalizer (1989) is garbage. It's not fun, funny, or otherwise redeemable in any way. Even the nice gore effects cannot make this crap variant on Re-Animator any good at all.

The basic premise: a mad doctor offers senior citizens the chance to be young again. How? He has an army of zombies go out and kidnap hot young people, drugs them, then transplants the old brains into the young bodies. 

But it's dumb. It's very dumb, and also sadistic. The mad doctor gleefully watches people being tortured to death on his closed-circuit camera as wobbly music warbles on in the background. 

There is nothing appealing about this one, even for fans of D-grade schlock horror. Just zombies attacking people, old people getting brains removed, doctor being hideous, young people panicking as they are kidnapped and forced into surgery, lather, rinse, repeat. 

The worst is when the movie tries to get serious about the whole topic of old-people-in-new-bodies, and the "characters" attempt to speak with any coherence or purpose. It falls extremely flat. These poor actors might not be so bad in other roles, I didn't even bother to research them, but I can tell you that this script is just dreck and gives them no opportunities for even basic expression. 

Eventually guns and cattle prods go off, the cast is reduced one by one, and the shambling semblance of a "plot" disintegrates back into the slime from whence it came. Ugh, this movie left a bad taste in my mouth. Tomorrow night I promise much better fare. 

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