Sunday, May 17, 2020

Catching Up Pt 16

  1. Highlander (1986)
    • I saw this as a child, and remember loving it. I watched it very late at night and was really inspired by the ideas - immortals! Fighting each other for ultimate supremacy! Sean Connery!! Of course, it's Christopher Lambert who carries the movie, and his slippery English really doesn't hamper him at all - although who would ever believe he's Scottish? The movie is paced perfectly, the plot is really novel and enthralling, and the action is captivating. The movie has aged very very well. I know there are sequels, but I haven't seen them.  

  2. Mad Ron's Prevues from Hell (1987)
    • Boy is this strange. A projectionist satisfies a theater full of zombies with a long series of exploitation movie trailers, and also some weird lowbrow humor. I don't know what to say about this... worth a viewing for fans of odd horror. 

  3. Blade Runner (1982)
    • Arguably the most famous science fiction movie ever made. Our hero Deckard (Harrison Ford) is a blade runner, a detective who hunts down androids who have gone rogue and threaten humans. As the movie progresses, he gets new ideas about what it means to be human - especially from the movie's villain, Rutger Hauer. The atmosphere is unparalleled, the music (by Vangelis) is incredible, and the tone and pacing is perfect. A perfect movie. 

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