Friday, May 15, 2020

Catching Up (1980-1989)

Here is a quick rundown of some 80s movies I've seen lately in my ongoing quest:

  1. The Shining (1980)
    • The famous Kubrick film... I like it more and more the older I get. This time around I was really struck by the incredibly disturbing score. Great film! Recommended to anyone.

  2. Escape From New York (1981)
    • The famous John Carpenter film, action movie with Kurt Russell taking place in future New York - now a prison island. Imagine the chagrin of the real estate community. "Sorry, Bob, your $44 million penthouse suite is now a high security prison for gang members. But I have this great lakefront house in Cleveland to show you..." This movie has a fantastic atmosphere and wonderful supporting cast. One of the best action movies of the '80s. 

  3. Pretty in Pink (1986)
    • Movies like this send me straight back to my middle childhood (old enough to remember, but not a teen in the '90s yet). I often watched these late at night (on Fox 5 in the DC area, back when it was the rogue network), not quite understanding the teenage angst, but soaking in the look: the clothes, the speech, the cars, the bikes, the high school hallways, you name it. Like any young kid, I wanted to belong with the older kids. Pretty in Pink is a real masterpiece, Molly Ringwald is pursued by her best friend (scene-stealing Jon Cryer) but is herself intrigued by the sensitive yuppie. Written by John Hughes and it shows. Teen movie with adult depth, and a real heart. 

  4. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)
    • A favorite in my family while I was growing up, we worshiped at the altar of John Candy (and still do, really). Steve Martin is a businessman just trying to get home for Thanksgiving, but a litany of bad luck and mistakes means he continually crosses paths with traveling salesman John Candy. Both actors are magnificent in this really hilarious comedy, although the script allows Candy to show off a bit more range. First rate. 

  5. Joysticks (1983)
    • I was looking forward to this one, but I was let down. It's a Z-rate titty-comedy about a local arcade whose studly young manager has to ward off the unwanted attentions of the local real estate magnate. There are some very strange choices made in this film, especially the odd goth gang (what is going on there?). Clearly made by a writer/director who didn't understand video games or arcades, yet decided to set an entire movie in that world. Basically a teen sex comedy with no brains, or heart. Empty, avoid. 

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