Sunday, May 17, 2020

Catching Up Pt 12

  1. Gas Pump Girls (1979)
    • Another Amazon Prime trick, I thought this was '80. Gas station hires group of very attractive girls, who bring lots of business. Competing station across the street, owned by big business, gets mad and tries to sabotage them. Very basic teen sex comedy, light-hearted enough. 

  2. Ghost Writer (1989)
    • This one is OK, I guess, but it didn't move me in any way. Writer takes beach house to get work done. Beach house is haunted by erotic spirit of woman who was killed by boyfriend years ago. Ghost causes all kinds of mischief before she and writer figure out how to get revenge against boyfriend. Very bland ghost comedy. 

  3. Black Moon Rising (1986)
    • Tommy Lee Jones is great in this action movie about an experimental car, a missing tape full of evidence, a woman car thief (Linda Hamilton!), and an evil mastermind who desires the experimental car. Lots of fighting, car chases, a love scene or two, and a great, tense finale. The movie exudes "cool." It really does a lot with a small budget, and is fun from start to finish, helped greatly by the two leads. Jones and Hamilton are both great. 

  4. Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
    • Stupid. Mental patient with a drill stalks and kills girls gathering for a slumber party. Not funny, not scary, not anything. Waste of time. 

  5. Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
    • Slightly more personality than the first movie, but not much. The movie tries too many things and fails at most of them. As before: not funny, not scary, not anything. 

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