Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Teen Wolf (1985), Teen Wolf Too (1987), Colors (1988)

I loved this one as a kid. How did it age? Pretty well. This is still fun fluff - a teen discovers he's a werewolf, and adolescent complications ensue. Makeup is pretty good here too, if funny. This movie was a huge success: cost 1.2 million to make, according to Wikipedia, and made 80 (!).

Michael J. Fox is full of charm the same year as Back to the Future, and the supporting cast is great too. Lots of fun scenes in this one, but also a lot of heart and moral lessons. Not quite as slight as it appears. I first saw this as a VHS rental, and then on TV years later... now on Amazon Prime. Worthwhile.

Michael J. Fox hated the first one so much, he refused to participate in the sequel - a very wise move. So the second one stars Jason Bateman in a very early role. It's basically a degraded clone of the first movie but in college instead of high school. The plot arc is exactly the same but worse in every way. Bateman is good enough, supporting cast is fine, but the whole exercise is threadbare at this point, and the whole thing feels a LOT less likable. Hard to recommend, especially when the first one is available.

Cop movie with a fabulous cast: Robert Duvall, Sean Penn, Maria Conchita Alonso, Trinidad Silva, Don Cheadle, Damon Wayans, the list goes on. Directed by Dennis Hopper, his first since Easy Rider! Cinematography by Haskell Wexler!

So, it has a pedigree... but is it any good? Yes - it's thoughtful, and philosophical about gangs and their purpose and place in urban communities. It has flaws... but mostly it's interesting. Veteran cop Duvall tries to train bullheaded rookie cop Penn, with many difficulties. Not bad.

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