Friday, June 26, 2020

Demon City Shinjuku (1987), Having It All (1982), Somewhere Tomorrow (1983)

This was an interesting 80s anime - demons erupt in central Tokyo (of course), and infest it with evil. If mankind doesn't soon find a savior to battle the demon ninja who is bargaining with the devils, the whole globe will be given over to the demons. Uh oh.

Luckily our hero proves to be just such a savior, and along with his female companion and various sidekicks he does battle with demon after demon, fighting his way to the main bad guy. 

The animation is superb, the story is interesting, and the whole thing piqued my interest. Recommended. 

I hated this. It's supposed to be a lighthearted comedy about bigamy (!), and we are supposed to take the side of the woman with two husbands (Dyan Cannon)... but I couldn't stand her. She's shrill, and unfunny, and selfish. I saw no reason to give her any kind of moral break - she just uses and abuses two husbands because she can, and because she feels she deserves it. Gross. Avoid, strongly. 

This felt like a TV movie, and I had to check twice that it wasn't. Sarah Jessica Parker plays a young girl whose father has died, and she's really feeling the grief. Then a teen ghost boy comes to her and helps her see things a different way... helping her reconcile with her mother's new romance, with her father's death, etc. But then they fall in love, and when he vanishes unexpectedly she decides to become a ghost too. Uh ohhhhh. Luckily things more or less work out. It still feels like a TV movie, but a nice one. Harmless. 

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